On March 19, the contract was signed for the use of DataCTRL survey tool suite in the sixth data collection round of the European Values Study (EVS). This decision, made during the General Assembly in March 2024 in Skopje, aims to ensure more efficient and better organized data collection across all participating countries.
EVS will conduct another large-scale data collection in 2026 for studying values and norms in Europe. The DataCTRL survey tool suite allows for centrally programmed and translated questionnaires to be used across multiple countries. The tools support both face-to-face interviews and online and paper & pencil questionnaires and help ensure the quality of the collected data.
How does it work?
With DataCTRL, a standard questionnaire for EVS Wave 6 will be developed and programmed in QuestionnaireCTRL. The translation process for all participating countries will be conducted through TranslationCTRL, a system that helps streamline translations and minimize errors. Additionally, various tools will be used for fieldwork management and control:
- SurveyCTRL for digital and paper questionnaires;
- SampleCTRL for managing the sample;
- CaseCTRL for supporting fieldworkers on different devices, both online and offline;
- FieldworkCTRL for monitoring the progress of fieldwork across different countries.
Why this approach?
Thanks to the centrally developed tools, participating countries do not need to reprogram the questionnaires themselves. This saves time and costs and reduces the chance of errors. Moreover, a uniform methodology ensures that results can be better compared with each other.
With the choice for DataCTRL, EVS takes an important step towards more efficient and standardized data collection. This contributes to reliable research results on values and norms in Europe.
Want to learn more about the DataCTRL surveytool suite? Read more here: https://en.centerdata.nl/werkvelden-2/datactrl-survey-tool-suite