DataCTRL survey tool suite


CTRL your survey project

Questionnaires can help you gain insight into people. How much money they make or spend, what happens to them and their community, or what they think. You can group respondents, see trends, and compare people. You can compare groups of people and you can compare different countries. But how do you compare data from people speaking many different languages? How do you create questionnaires and collect data from people in many different countries and how do you manage such a complex process?

Centerdata’s DataCTRL survey tool suite helps you solve survey challenges.


DataCTRL, support for the entire Survey Data Life Cycle

DataCTRL is a collection of software tools developed by Centerdata that support every step of the Survey Data Life Cycle in your (large international) survey study: questionnaire design and implementation; translation management; survey coding; fieldwork management and monitoring; interviewer tooling; data collection and data dissemination.

Centerdata’s development team has decades of software engineering experience and a keen drive towards innovation. They are also directly involved in various large European Survey projects.

All DataCTRL tools are the result of many years of development and deployment in the field and each tool incorporates learned lessons and proven principles. We aim to combine the strengths of generalized programming with customization for your survey’s unique needs.

DataCTRL provides you with a professional and state of the art survey eco system.


The future is multi-mode

The pandemic years have brought many changes to society and survey projects. People work from home more often, smartphones have become an integral part of life and old systems are either rapidly changing, or rapidly becoming obsolete.

Where face-to-face work is still regarded by many as the gold standard for fieldwork, it is becoming increasingly difficult, if not impossible to field surveys in this mode. Therefor many survey studies are moving towards a multi-mode approach where new and old meet each other in the form of Web- and paper Self-completion questionnaires.

DataCTRL tools are ready for the challenges of the future and can help you transition your survey in this post-pandemic world. Our experienced team can discuss with you your current needs and how our tooling could help you further evolve your processes.

DataCTRL supports international multimode survey data collection


DataCTRL as a service

Managing your Survey Life Cycle is a demanding complex task that requires your full attention. Setting up the IT infrastructure for your project, implementing technical and security requirements, writing technical DPA’s and planning maintenance can cause a lot of unwanted extra workload and overhead.

To help with this, all DataCTRL tools can be hosted in Centerdata’s Azure cloud environment*. Hosted on (and restricted to) the West-European Azure cluster, this service includes setup of the selected tool(s), full back up regimes and implementation of strict security and data protection measures.

DataCTRL provides you with a solid framework for quick and secure data collection.

*excluding CaseCTRL

Our international survey work










Centerdata’s DataCTRL tool suite




Design, program and field your questionnaires. QuestionnaireCTRL together with other DataCTRL tools help you go from questionnaire creation to data collection for any mode.




Manage your samples and monitor the fieldwork for your Self-completion study. View respondent progress and detailed breakdown statistics, send out reminders via (opt-out) e-mails, and digitize paper questionnaire data.



Monitor your face-to-face fieldwork via anonymized case and event information of connected SampleCTRLs used by multiple agencies. FieldworkCTRL provides projections, detailed breakdowns and up-to-date progress reporting.





Manage your datasets with ease. Whether you are a researcher, data analyst, or you simply want to share data with others, DataReleaseCTRL provides an easy-to-use interface that allows you to distribute datasets among users efficiently. You can publish information about your datasets to the public, making it easier for others to find and use your data.






Manage the translation process of your multilingual questionnaires online across countries and teams. TranslationCTRL fully integrates the TRAPD process and provides flexible tools for translation quality checking and im- and exporting translations.




Manage your samples and monitor the fieldwork for your face-to-face study. With SampleCTRL you can assign cases to interviewers, monitor their performance and case progress with detailed breakdown statistics, synchronize anonymized data to FieldworkCTRL and export interview and contact data.                                                                                                                                                             


Manage your questionnaires and panel members and monitor the fieldwork for your panel study. PanelCTRL allows you to monitor progress with detailed breakdown statistics and manage incentives. Your panel members can log in, complete questionnaires and communicate with panel managers either directly in the system or via e-mail integration. PanelCTRL is closely integrated with QuestionnaireCTRL.                                                                                                                                                             


Manage the datasets of your study in this extensive library tool that allows you to create data connections and categorizations.  RepositoryCTRL gives access to your datasets to researchers who can search based on variable names, study units and many other properties.






Code interview responses against standardized classifications within your questionnaire. ClassificationCTRL contains extensive datasets in several domains, such as job titles, education, religious denominations, languages, regions and more.



Empower your fieldworkers to manage respondents and conduct interviews for face-to-face fieldwork. CaseCTRL allows interviewers to manage the sub sample cases assigned to them, conduct interviews, register contact moments and outcomes, manage address information and communicate with sample managers.

Further information? Please contact us.

Meet our team
Iggy van der Wielen BSc
Iggy van der Wielen BSc
Development manager
Maurice Martens MSc
Maurice Martens MSc
Senior scientific programmer
dr. Marika de Bruijne
dr. Marika de Bruijne
Senior survey researcher