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Josette Janssen has been working as a panel manager at Centerdata since 2000.
She is in frequent contact with panel members (either by phone or e-mail), manages the technical support for these panel members, is responsible for the helpdesk, and makes sure that the Centerpanel and LISS panel websites have up-to-date information for the panel members (e.g. research results of the questionnaires the panel members participated in). She is closely involved in the testing of questionnaires in the Centerpanel and in the LISS panel (and otherwise) and advises the researchers in the area of language use (complexity, formulation, information, etc.), routing and layout. Due to the contact she has with the panel members she knows perfectly what they do and do not comprehend. Furthermore she regularly translates questionnaires from English to Dutch so they can be fielded in the panels.
As part of the panel management tasks, she was also responsible for the distribution of devices such as scales, accelerometers and smartphones for innovative research such as the (completed) Time Expenditure study for the Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP), and the (completed) mobility study for the University of Twente (2013-2015).
Furthermore, she is responsible for the yearly fieldwork of the Integral Personnel Census Education (IPTO) since 2013. For this project, conducted for the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, schools provide information about lessons taught in secondary education.
For wave 6 (2015) and wave 7 (2017) of the SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) project, she was project leader of the fieldwork for the Netherlands.
She worked at the CentER for Economic Research, the Tilburg University’s economic research institute, from 1988 until mid 2000.